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Move Products Faster With Cross-Docking

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If you own a factory or warehouse, you may keep many of your products in storage until it's time to ship them out to your customers. But if you're losing money because of storage, it's time to consider another way to meet your customers' needs. You can do so with cross-docking. Learn more about cross-docking and how you can implement it in your business below.

What's Cross-Docking?

Warehouses, factories, and even food industry companies store many of their goods onsite. Storage enables you to keep goods on hand until it's time to fill your customers' orders. However, some customers may not want to wait until a certain time or delivery date to receive their goods. The customers may turn to businesses that offer faster services, such as cross-docking.

Cross-docking allows you to fill and ship products quickly and efficiently. The service reduces the need to store items in a separate warehousing unit or department until they're ready to ship. With cross-docking, you're able to process, fill, and ship orders as soon as they occur.

In addition to eliminating storage time, cross-docking helps you eliminate the unnecessary expenses of using different types of storage units and containers. For example, if you handle ice cream or another cold food item, you may need to keep the products in freezers until shipment. The containers and vehicles used in cross-docking may already come with cold storage units you can use to ship your items right away.

If you're interested in cross-docking and would like to learn more about it, consult a shipment provider today.

How Do You Obtain Cross-Docking Services?

A shipment supplier offers a variety of methods, equipment, and tools you can use for your cross-docking needs, including refrigerated trucks and pallets. If you handle multiple types of products, such as frozen goods, clothing, and tools, you can choose the methods or equipment that works best for each item you make and ship.

A shipment company may also help you implement a computer risk management program in your company. The program can help you:

  • keep track of your cross-docking shipments
  • maintain financial records of your shipments
  • reveal problems in your shipments

You may also use a cross-docking management program to cut costs in your company. By cutting costs, you may be able to implement cross-docking in other areas of your business.

Learn more about cross-docking and how you can use it to move your products by contacting a supplier today.
